Faith In Jesus Christ
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
God's Love for us: Do not Be AFRAID for I am with YOU!!
God's Love for us: Do not Be AFRAID for I am with YOU!!: You all heard that it is said "It's okay to be Afraid, everyone is scared of something." Well I was reading something interest...
Friday, August 26, 2016
God's Word has Power and it can CHANGE LIVES.
I learned this lesson a long time ago. But I just wanted to share with you guys now that I am living it. I know that being a preacher was a very difficult thing but I believe that God should be the center of it all. When we become a preacher or a pastor our lives and that of our family is looked upon many people especially people of our congregation. When my Father was a pastor even our lives was affected. Although I don't think I have much problem with it but there was one time when I fallen into sins. And everyone around me look with judgement eyes and whispered rumors about me behind my back. It was never easy being a Pastor's Daughter who had a boyfriend and fornicated. But After I broke up with my ex, my father asked me to repent of my sins and go confess it in front of the whole church. Of course I was an obedient child at the time and did it. I was cut off of the church for six month and then resumed again thereafter. "16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man has great power to prevail." James 5:16
I believe what my father asked me to do was right and I was happy to do it. My sister who doesn't understand why I did it asked me "Why do you have to do it and let everyone know what you did wronged?" I simply reply because I was wronged and needed to repent. But you know what? After my Confessions in front of everyone people older than me began to go up and confess their sins and at that time I was only 15 years old and I had mothers who are twice or more than my age came and told me their sins. Old men came and confess his deepest darkest secrets to me. People was drawn to me because of what I did. So because I chose to obey, God used my shame to bring others to repentance and that was for his Glory and Honor. I didn't know it at that time but God was beginning to do something in me in which I've never thought about before. He was preparing me for his work. I did that and you know what I found out. When you Confess your sins to many people, the devil lost his chain over you. He can never used that against you again. If you don't confess your sins the Devil will hold you accountable and begin to bugged you with your past sins and will always have a hold on you to create Fear in your heart and eventually destroyed you inside out.
I believe this was the Scripture for me at that time and so It should be for all Christians. You know if we repent of our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. I was not ashamed when I went up to that altar and when I confess because I came out with a smile on my face and a Victory over Satan's plan for me. Whatever the Devil used to try to destroy us God will turn it into good and help us to be an OVERCOMER. We are not meant to be living in fears and doubts and pain and suffering, All those things will Disappear if we believe God's Word and Do Them. God's Word has Power and it can CHANGE LIVES. I hope you are blessed by this Testimony.
If you need to repent and accept Jesus Christ in your heart please pray this Prayer:
Lord Jesus I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you Died on the Cross for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins and have mercy on me. Come into my heart and live in me. I make you my Lord and Savior. Write my name in the book of Life and pour your Holy Spirit inside of me. From this day forward I am a Child of God. IN JESUS Name I prayed AMEN.
If you have prayed that prayer you have become a child of God so find a Bible based church and Sin no more. Pray and Read the Bible everyday. God bless you. I love you and Jesus Loves You Too.
I believe what my father asked me to do was right and I was happy to do it. My sister who doesn't understand why I did it asked me "Why do you have to do it and let everyone know what you did wronged?" I simply reply because I was wronged and needed to repent. But you know what? After my Confessions in front of everyone people older than me began to go up and confess their sins and at that time I was only 15 years old and I had mothers who are twice or more than my age came and told me their sins. Old men came and confess his deepest darkest secrets to me. People was drawn to me because of what I did. So because I chose to obey, God used my shame to bring others to repentance and that was for his Glory and Honor. I didn't know it at that time but God was beginning to do something in me in which I've never thought about before. He was preparing me for his work. I did that and you know what I found out. When you Confess your sins to many people, the devil lost his chain over you. He can never used that against you again. If you don't confess your sins the Devil will hold you accountable and begin to bugged you with your past sins and will always have a hold on you to create Fear in your heart and eventually destroyed you inside out.
I believe this was the Scripture for me at that time and so It should be for all Christians. You know if we repent of our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. I was not ashamed when I went up to that altar and when I confess because I came out with a smile on my face and a Victory over Satan's plan for me. Whatever the Devil used to try to destroy us God will turn it into good and help us to be an OVERCOMER. We are not meant to be living in fears and doubts and pain and suffering, All those things will Disappear if we believe God's Word and Do Them. God's Word has Power and it can CHANGE LIVES. I hope you are blessed by this Testimony.
If you need to repent and accept Jesus Christ in your heart please pray this Prayer:
Lord Jesus I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you Died on the Cross for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins and have mercy on me. Come into my heart and live in me. I make you my Lord and Savior. Write my name in the book of Life and pour your Holy Spirit inside of me. From this day forward I am a Child of God. IN JESUS Name I prayed AMEN.
If you have prayed that prayer you have become a child of God so find a Bible based church and Sin no more. Pray and Read the Bible everyday. God bless you. I love you and Jesus Loves You Too.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Let Go. Let God!!!!!!
For the past couples of weeks These words "Let Go. Let God!" has been echoing in my mind none stop. I know what it means and I talk about to the people close to me and share my thoughts about it but I didn't know what God was planning to do.
He wants me to let go of what my will and my thoughts and my ways of doing things and Let Him the Almighty God take over everything. I always thought it was to surrender our Will to God and let his will be done in our lives. So I wrote a Sermon about it. THE STORY that I was going to use was From Mark 14 when Jesus went to Getsemene to Pray and He was weeping so hard that Drips of blood falls from his eyes. He asked God if God could take the cup of suffering from him but if it's God will from him to go through it then so be it. While Jesus was praying this he knew what was going to happen to him and he knew when and where he was going to be Arrested and he knew how and what pain he will have to suffer and he knew he was going to die for everyone. But he still went and Let God's Will be done. He Gave Himself to God even though he is God to die for all Mankind. Now that's Letting God do his will. So I was thinking that maybe that's what our lives are suppose to be. But Last Sunday, when I woke up in the Morning getting ready for church, not having enough sleep because of various things that happens. We went to church and as we were singing and praising God this one Song in our language about seeing Heaven and meeting God there, just struck me. And as one of our church member read the bible verse that was on the music sheet, The Holy Spirit began to Fall upon me and filled me up. My head was pumping like electricity shooting through my body up to my head. A still small voice speaks inside my head "Sing it again" it said. As we were finished singing it Ami Kelly, one of our member share that the night before she had a dream about crossing the river to get to the other side but she couldn't because there was no bridge. She saw a cripple man and someone told her to help that person then she could cross the river. So she and her husband went and help the crippled and then a path on the river appeared for them to cross it. THEN when she reach the other side she saw my family there too. And then someone show her a beautiful Gold Mansion shining bright and filled with crystal and someone said "That's Ami Zamyre's House." Ami Zamyre is what people call me. To translate it in English would be "The Mother of Zamyre". And as they enter the city Someone show them that they were going to live in that beautiful house neighborhood. But they can't enter yet and Ama Mer and Ae Veri was welcoming them into a house and gave them a room to stay in for a while. While she was saying all that I was being filled with the Spirit and yes I told everyone to sing that Song over again. And God was filling that place up even if there were only a few of us there. God was in the mist of us. As we keep singing I was praying and speaking in tongues and the rest keep on singing over me. Then I saw a visions of angels coming down from heaven to come and worship with us. Then I saw two angels around Ami Kelly and one was praying over her and the other was catching her when she fall. And then the Lord said "Go Pray for her. I want to Fill her with the Holy Spirit." So I did just that and she was filled with the holy spirit wobbling couldn't stand up right. And I keep praying and telling her to "Let Go. And Let God take over." Finally she couldn't stand anymore and I pray over her head and she falls and I catch her and lay her on the floor. God's Spirit was with her and I thank God for everything. We were praising God like never before and then I also just preach a little bit on Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine Heart and lean not unto thy own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path."
This Scripture just came to pass that day and everyday I live. When you trust and obey God, he will show up and direct your ways. I didn't plan for all that to happens. I didn't even preach my sermon like I had plan cause God took over. I trusted in God and obeyed him and that's what happens. I thank God for always being there and never letting me go even when I fall so short of his glory, he never gave up on me and still uses me to do great and mighty things for his kingdom. God has shown me a lot of visions and many things to come cause I am now operating in the Spirit. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit God gave me is manifesting itself now more than before. I hope that you guys are encouraged by my testimony and build up your faith in Jesus Christ. May you guys learn to "Let Go of yourself and Let God take over your Lives." Because only then can you see Miracles and great Power of God and see HIS WORDS Manifest itself in your lives. God Bless You all and I love you and Jesus Loves YOU....
Saturday, January 2, 2016
A new year has just begun, what are we looking forward to this year of 2016. Many people has a new year resolution like losing weight, or making more money and stuff like that... The week of new year's eve I was learning a new song with my husband called "In your Freedom" by Hillsong. I was exciting and the Word "Freedom" just strikes at me and the Holy Spirit just began to minister to me about Freedom in Jesus Christ. Whoever the Son has set free is free in deed. For it is written in John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed"
It got me to thinking many of us are still living as in slavery and many are being deceive by the lies of Satan who tries to make us doubt our Salvation. Well as I began to do research on the freedom in Jesus God began to teach me many things that I take for granted before. You see I believe in Jesus Christ and have asked him into my heart and repented of all my sins and yet sometimes I still struggle with my sins. Last year I was fighting a spiritual warfare about it. I wonder why I repent and keep going back to it. But that's because I believe the lies of Satan that said "you'll never get over this, you are sinful, how can you work for God, you're going to hell. God has left you, how can he forgive you." By listening to those lies I have put myself in bondage of sins again. Because without our consent the devil has no holds on us. When we believe his lies he hook us and then takes hold of us. But if you believe what God said in his word which is the Bible in 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
If we truly believe his words and act upon his Word we know that God said he is Faithful and just to forgive us our sins and PURIFY us from all UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. If we believe that God will purify us from unrighteousness then we have nothing to fear nor will we want to go and fall in the temptations of sins. Because sins enter the World when Satan the Serpent deceive Adam and Eve into eating the Forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. From then God had a plan of Salvation which is his Son Jesus. He died on the Cross for our sins and Freed us from Sins and Death. if you believe that he did that then sins no longer have a hold on you. When it comes towards you just speak to it in authority and cast it out. Jesus gave us the power to step on Satan and over sins and death. He made us more than Overcomers, he made us Conquerors over our enemies. He promised he will never leave us nor forsake us. So if the devil try to feeds us those lies give him those Scriptures and he will flee. Jesus said Rebuke the Devil and he will flee from you. So do just that. And He won't have power over you.
After you have done these things spend time with Jesus in his Words and Prayers and learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. For God said in Galatians 5:16 "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." When we walk with the Holy Spirit he gives us discernment and we will know the good from the bad, the right from the wrong. We will learn to forget the past and live in the presents. For Behold you are a new creature, Old things have past away and new things has come. Forget about your past sins don't hold on to it because God gives you a new beginning and a clean slate to be Born again. Live in Christ in his Freedom and don't worry about anything people says, do, or lies of the enemy because you know what God's Words say and you Believe in that because the Word of God is Truth and the Truth will set you Free.. John 8:32 "32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
God bless you guys and I hope you all are encourage by these Words and know that God's Plans for you is to Set you Free from bondages, From sins and death: "for the wages of sins is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" Romans 6:23., from addictions, from cruses, from broken relationships, from hatred, and grudges etc...
If you have not been set Free but wants to be free and live in the Freedom of Jesus Christ pray this prayer: Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a Sinner and I am in need of forgiveness. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose up again from the grave in three days. I repent of my sins please forgive me and I make you my Lord and Savior. Come into my heart and let your Holy Spirit lives in me teaching me and guiding me in your Righteousness. Write my name in the book of Life. Today I am a new creature and I am a child of God. I am Free in Jesus name. Thank you in Jesus name I pray Amen.
if you pray that prayer we believe you are born again so find a Spirit filled church and a bible and begin your walk with Jesus. God bless you.
It got me to thinking many of us are still living as in slavery and many are being deceive by the lies of Satan who tries to make us doubt our Salvation. Well as I began to do research on the freedom in Jesus God began to teach me many things that I take for granted before. You see I believe in Jesus Christ and have asked him into my heart and repented of all my sins and yet sometimes I still struggle with my sins. Last year I was fighting a spiritual warfare about it. I wonder why I repent and keep going back to it. But that's because I believe the lies of Satan that said "you'll never get over this, you are sinful, how can you work for God, you're going to hell. God has left you, how can he forgive you." By listening to those lies I have put myself in bondage of sins again. Because without our consent the devil has no holds on us. When we believe his lies he hook us and then takes hold of us. But if you believe what God said in his word which is the Bible in 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
If we truly believe his words and act upon his Word we know that God said he is Faithful and just to forgive us our sins and PURIFY us from all UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. If we believe that God will purify us from unrighteousness then we have nothing to fear nor will we want to go and fall in the temptations of sins. Because sins enter the World when Satan the Serpent deceive Adam and Eve into eating the Forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. From then God had a plan of Salvation which is his Son Jesus. He died on the Cross for our sins and Freed us from Sins and Death. if you believe that he did that then sins no longer have a hold on you. When it comes towards you just speak to it in authority and cast it out. Jesus gave us the power to step on Satan and over sins and death. He made us more than Overcomers, he made us Conquerors over our enemies. He promised he will never leave us nor forsake us. So if the devil try to feeds us those lies give him those Scriptures and he will flee. Jesus said Rebuke the Devil and he will flee from you. So do just that. And He won't have power over you.
After you have done these things spend time with Jesus in his Words and Prayers and learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. For God said in Galatians 5:16 "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." When we walk with the Holy Spirit he gives us discernment and we will know the good from the bad, the right from the wrong. We will learn to forget the past and live in the presents. For Behold you are a new creature, Old things have past away and new things has come. Forget about your past sins don't hold on to it because God gives you a new beginning and a clean slate to be Born again. Live in Christ in his Freedom and don't worry about anything people says, do, or lies of the enemy because you know what God's Words say and you Believe in that because the Word of God is Truth and the Truth will set you Free.. John 8:32 "32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
God bless you guys and I hope you all are encourage by these Words and know that God's Plans for you is to Set you Free from bondages, From sins and death: "for the wages of sins is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" Romans 6:23., from addictions, from cruses, from broken relationships, from hatred, and grudges etc...
If you have not been set Free but wants to be free and live in the Freedom of Jesus Christ pray this prayer: Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a Sinner and I am in need of forgiveness. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose up again from the grave in three days. I repent of my sins please forgive me and I make you my Lord and Savior. Come into my heart and let your Holy Spirit lives in me teaching me and guiding me in your Righteousness. Write my name in the book of Life. Today I am a new creature and I am a child of God. I am Free in Jesus name. Thank you in Jesus name I pray Amen.
if you pray that prayer we believe you are born again so find a Spirit filled church and a bible and begin your walk with Jesus. God bless you.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
The Trick of the Enemy part 1
We all know that Satan is the Father of lies and he only comes to Steal, Kill, and Destroy. John 8: 44 "44Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
John 10:10 "10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
So first he will try to deceive you by discrediting the Cross of Redemption that Jesus Die for our sins and make a way for us to receive Salvation. Right now many people around the world is saying that there are many way to heaven. There are many religions and they are all right and have the same way or believe the same thing just a different name for their God. Well that's a total Deceptions because Jesus said in John 14:6 " Jesus answered "For I am the way, the Truth and the LIfe; No man cometh unto the Father but by me." He also said in John 10: 7-9. "7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
John 10:10 "10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
So first he will try to deceive you by discrediting the Cross of Redemption that Jesus Die for our sins and make a way for us to receive Salvation. Right now many people around the world is saying that there are many way to heaven. There are many religions and they are all right and have the same way or believe the same thing just a different name for their God. Well that's a total Deceptions because Jesus said in John 14:6 " Jesus answered "For I am the way, the Truth and the LIfe; No man cometh unto the Father but by me." He also said in John 10: 7-9. "7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
8 All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.
9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."
The good shepherd is Jesus Christ and the Sheep are us the people who believe in Jesus. The thieves and robbers are Satan and his minion. They came to earth and spread lies and deception to people so that others will follow them and go to hell. You see Satan hates us because we are made in the image of God almighty and everything Satan wanted but lost from heaven, God will give it to us. Satan use to dwell with God and worship him with songs and music. Now we are the true worshiper of God. God made us in his own likeness and he gave us his Spirit. So the Devil hates us to guts. He will try to do anything to destroy our relationship with Christ. So first he have to discredit the cross so that we won't have salvation and then he will destroy us by using lies and attacking our love ones, our health, and our finances and our Spiritual walk with Christ. So my brothers and sisters know what the devil is doing because he is like a roaring Lion going around us seeking whom ever he may devour. Beware of tricks that he use to try to get inside your home and reek havoc in your household by causing fights destroying your relationship. Once you believe that the cross of Jesus Christ can't save you, the devil will have a grip on you and he won't ever let you go unless you come to Jesus who can set you free. So hold on to your faith and believe in Jesus. Read his Word and spend time with God and live his word. Pray continuously for there is Power in Prayer. For God gave you free will and you have the right to choose God or Satan. Have a wonderful yet Victorious Day in the Lord. Know that he has his angels encamped around you to delivered you from all evil. God Bless.
Oh if you have not Asked Jesus as your LORD and Savior and wants to be set free from sin and bondage you can come boldly on your knees right now and pray this prayer from your heart: "Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner and I repent of my sins. Please forgive me and make me white as snow. Come into my life and live in my heart from this day forward. Send your Holy Spirit to live in me and guide me in your Righteousness that I may learn to walk with you and have a relationship with you. Write my name in the book of life. I declare that today I am forgiven and I am a Child of God. In Jesus Name I pray Amen."
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
We need to stand up and Fight our Enemy
Two Sunday ago as we were going to church, During worship I was worshiping with all of my heart mind body and soul. The Holy Spirit falls on me so strongly. So I asked the Pastor at my church to pray for me and he did. I fall out in the Spirit. And I saw the vision of the Warrior Angels again. We were fighting with multitude of Demonic army, but as I saw my Spirit standing there warriors of Angels army surrounded me. They had their armor of gold on and the clothes inside were white, and They all had sword and spear and helmet. I remember Ephesian 6:10-18. I also remember Psalm 91:11 "For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;" and Psalm 34:7 "7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them."
I praise God for this vision and I also saw Jesus coming my way to talk to me. He said " Don't be afraid, I will use you to do my works but you must not be afraid. You will face many battle against the enemy but behold I have already send my angel armies to protect you wherever you go. They will fight for you. So rise up and Fight!"
What does God mean by that? Well I've known that God is calling me to do greater things in his kingdom but there were issues I have to resolve before I could walk in that path and it has taken me a couple years to get over it and be set Free from it. My God Jesus Christ has set me free from it and no bitterness will ever reside in me. I declare it in Jesus name. But God is asking his Church to Rise and Fight against the Enemy who is sweeping our world with waves and floods of sinfulness. How do we fight? We need to get on our knees and pray continuously for ourselves and our family and friends and nation and then the whole World. Let there be revival happening in every churches, in every Cities, in every villages, and in every nation. What happens recently in Paris with the ISIS terrorist and etc... it's not meant for us to harbor anger and hate and discrimination but It's meant for us to turn to God and asked him for help to revived the Church because the Church is sleeping. When I say Church, I meant Believers in Jesus Christ. We are letting all this happen without a fight we need to stand together and let this be an opportunity to lead people to Christ and for them to have a personal relationship with Jesus. The devil is not afraid to fight those who are just church goers, who sing in church and read their bible and memorize scriptures, yet do not have Christ in their heart and doesn't live the Word of GOD which is the BIBLE.
This is what we must do, we need to first have a relationship with God by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior and repenting of our Sins and then we need to read his word and have a relationship with him. A relationship consist of talking and listening. We need to listen to God not just talk to him in our prayers, sometime we need Silence to hear his voice in our heart and in his Word. Listen to his Spirit inside of us what he wants us to do. THEN Obey him. Let his Grace which is the empowerment to help us change from our old self to a new person. We have to buried our old self and become a new person with Jesus living inside of us. We need to pick up our CROSS and follow him because we Love him and have a reverence fear of him. Then we need to pray for everyone to be save, pray in the Spirit where the enemy cannot touch us or hear us when we do. Pray in unity for there is power in unity. Pray continuously never stopping for that is how we fight. Encourage one another in the hope of Christ and Speak Life in people with the Word of God. So that we can plant a seed in people's heart. His Spirit will work through you to change people and convict people to come to Christ.
If you don't know Christ Jesus yet and would like to have a relationship with him from the bottom of your heart. Pray this prayer with me:
Dear God, I admit that I am a Sinner. I have sinned against you and I'm sorry please forgive me of my sin, although it's crimson Red, please make it white as Snow. Wash me and come into my heart and live in me, I make you my LORD and Savior. Pour your Spirit in me and lead me to your Righteousness. Today I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose up again on the third day. I am a Child of God and behold all things have pass and I am a new creation and write my name in the book of Life. THANK YOU in Jesus Name I pray Amen.
Monday, November 9, 2015
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