A new year has just begun, what are we looking forward to this year of 2016. Many people has a new year resolution like losing weight, or making more money and stuff like that... The week of new year's eve I was learning a new song with my husband called "In your Freedom" by Hillsong. I was exciting and the Word "Freedom" just strikes at me and the Holy Spirit just began to minister to me about Freedom in Jesus Christ. Whoever the Son has set free is free in deed. For it is written in John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed"
It got me to thinking many of us are still living as in slavery and many are being deceive by the lies of Satan who tries to make us doubt our Salvation. Well as I began to do research on the freedom in Jesus God began to teach me many things that I take for granted before. You see I believe in Jesus Christ and have asked him into my heart and repented of all my sins and yet sometimes I still struggle with my sins. Last year I was fighting a spiritual warfare about it. I wonder why I repent and keep going back to it. But that's because I believe the lies of Satan that said "you'll never get over this, you are sinful, how can you work for God, you're going to hell. God has left you, how can he forgive you." By listening to those lies I have put myself in bondage of sins again. Because without our consent the devil has no holds on us. When we believe his lies he hook us and then takes hold of us. But if you believe what God said in his word which is the Bible in 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
If we truly believe his words and act upon his Word we know that God said he is Faithful and just to forgive us our sins and PURIFY us from all UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. If we believe that God will purify us from unrighteousness then we have nothing to fear nor will we want to go and fall in the temptations of sins. Because sins enter the World when Satan the Serpent deceive Adam and Eve into eating the Forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. From then God had a plan of Salvation which is his Son Jesus. He died on the Cross for our sins and Freed us from Sins and Death. if you believe that he did that then sins no longer have a hold on you. When it comes towards you just speak to it in authority and cast it out. Jesus gave us the power to step on Satan and over sins and death. He made us more than Overcomers, he made us Conquerors over our enemies. He promised he will never leave us nor forsake us. So if the devil try to feeds us those lies give him those Scriptures and he will flee. Jesus said Rebuke the Devil and he will flee from you. So do just that. And He won't have power over you.
After you have done these things spend time with Jesus in his Words and Prayers and learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. For God said in Galatians 5:16 "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." When we walk with the Holy Spirit he gives us discernment and we will know the good from the bad, the right from the wrong. We will learn to forget the past and live in the presents. For Behold you are a new creature, Old things have past away and new things has come. Forget about your past sins don't hold on to it because God gives you a new beginning and a clean slate to be Born again. Live in Christ in his Freedom and don't worry about anything people says, do, or lies of the enemy because you know what God's Words say and you Believe in that because the Word of God is Truth and the Truth will set you Free.. John 8:32 "32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
God bless you guys and I hope you all are encourage by these Words and know that God's Plans for you is to Set you Free from bondages, From sins and death: "for the wages of sins is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" Romans 6:23., from addictions, from cruses, from broken relationships, from hatred, and grudges etc...
If you have not been set Free but wants to be free and live in the Freedom of Jesus Christ pray this prayer: Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a Sinner and I am in need of forgiveness. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose up again from the grave in three days. I repent of my sins please forgive me and I make you my Lord and Savior. Come into my heart and let your Holy Spirit lives in me teaching me and guiding me in your Righteousness. Write my name in the book of Life. Today I am a new creature and I am a child of God. I am Free in Jesus name. Thank you in Jesus name I pray Amen.
if you pray that prayer we believe you are born again so find a Spirit filled church and a bible and begin your walk with Jesus. God bless you.