Hi everyone, My name is HJum Bdap. I am a mother of 6 kids and I am married to a loving husband; Nguyen Kpa. We strive to raise our kids in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His Holy Spirit. In my Blog I will share my experiences with you during my walk of Faith in Jesus Christ. I pray that you keep an open heart and an open mind to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. John 14:6 "Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the Life, No man cometh unto the Father but by me."' Jesus is the only way to heaven. God is our Creator no matter what people put out there but that's the Truth. God created the Earth and the universe and everything you could think of. He has made man from his own image and called them children. But Man are weak and fall into Sin when Adam and Eve the first man and woman who disobey God. Read from Genesis Chapter 2 and 3. God made the garden of Eden for both of them to live in and rule over and God only gave them one rule, which is not to eat from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. But the Serpent which is Satan tempted Eve and she fell for it and then gave it to Adam and he fell for it and from then on Sin enter the world and Evil is release upon the Earth. "All have Sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." Roman 3:23. We were all born into sin since that day. Sins we were born into and sins we choose to do. To Save mankind God had to prepare a plan and he gave us Jesus Christ: God become flesh and born as human so that he could live a pure and sinless life on Earth to pay for the price of Sin and Death at the Cross in Calvary. He died for you and me and everyone in the Whole World because he loves us.
"For God so Loved the World that he gave his one and only begotten son, that who shall ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. Jesus win over Satan, sin and death when he died at the cross and rose up from the dead on the third day. Satan is the Father of lies. He only comes to Steal Kill and Destroy us because he hates us for we were made from the image of God. God gave us all Free Will to choose Jesus and the Salvation of eternal life with him in heaven or Death. "For the Wages of sin is Death but the gift of God is Eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23. We need Jesus in order to be save. If we don't have Jesus in our hearts we cannot go to heaven or live with him in heaven. And we have to pay the price for our sins ourselves, which we cannot so our place is in the lake of Fire called Hell. Everyone needs to know that Hell and Heaven exist. It's not a myth or fairy tales, Hell is a real place. Jesus described it as Lake of fire with burning furnace that will never end. In Matthew 13:42 it said
"And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."
Hell was made for the devil and his angels. God has taken away all his attributes in hell. While on Earth we have love, peace, rest, joy, happiness, goodness, mercy, grace, etc... But in hell none of that are there. You see on Earth we have all that because God's holy Spirit is on Earth and Jesus's presence is still with us that's why we see beauty and enjoy peace and relax. But none of that are in hell, it's pitch black and hot and everything bad. Because all good things come from God above, so all bad things is left in hell. Hell is 1000x worse then anything you'll ever experience on Earth. So my brothers and sister won't you take the time to think about the free gift that Christ Jesus has given you today and Repent of your sins and accept him as your Lord and Savior. If you want to do that right now. Pray this prayer with me below and ask him into your heart today:
Dear Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and have sinned against you. I need your Forgiveness for my sins. I repent of my sins. Take it all away from me and cleanse me and make me white as snow. Jesus come and live in my heart. I make you my Lord and Savior. Send your Holy Spirit to live in me and guide me in your righteous path. Write my name in the book of life. I declare today I am a Child of God and I am save in Jesus Name I pray Amen.
if you have pray that prayer I welcome you to God's Family. Now Find and Spirit filled Church in your area and have a bible to read so you can learn more about God and his plan and his love for you. If you don't have one you can go to: https://www.biblegateway.com/ They have many translation of the Bible in many Different languages. May God Bless you and keep you and remember Jesus Loves you and so do I.
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