Tuesday, November 17, 2015

We need to stand up and Fight our Enemy

Two Sunday ago as we were going to church,   During worship I was worshiping with all of my heart mind body and soul. The Holy Spirit falls on me so strongly. So I asked the Pastor at my church to pray for me and he did. I fall out in the Spirit. And I saw the vision of the Warrior Angels again. We were fighting with multitude of Demonic army, but as I saw my Spirit standing there warriors of Angels army surrounded  me. They had their armor of gold on and the clothes inside were white, and They all had sword and spear and helmet. I remember Ephesian 6:10-18. I also remember Psalm 91:11 "For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;"  and Psalm 34:7 "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them."  

I praise  God for this vision and I also saw Jesus coming my way to talk to me. He said " Don't be afraid, I will use you to do my works but you must not be afraid. You will face many battle against the enemy but behold I have already send my angel armies to protect you wherever you go. They will fight for you. So rise up and Fight!"  
      What does God mean by that? Well I've known that God is calling me to do greater things in his kingdom but there were issues I have to resolve before I could walk in that path and it has taken me a couple years to get over it and be set Free from it. My God Jesus Christ has set me free from it and no bitterness will ever reside in me. I declare it in Jesus name. But God is asking his Church to Rise and Fight against the Enemy who is sweeping our world with waves and floods of sinfulness. How do we fight? We need to get on our knees and pray continuously for ourselves and our family and friends and nation and then the whole World. Let there be revival happening in every churches, in every Cities, in every villages, and in every nation. What happens recently in Paris with the ISIS terrorist and etc... it's not meant for us to harbor anger and hate and discrimination but It's meant for us to turn to God and asked him for help to revived the Church because the Church is sleeping. When I say Church, I meant Believers in Jesus Christ. We are letting all this happen without a fight we need to stand together and let this be an opportunity to lead people to Christ and for them to have a personal relationship with Jesus. The devil is not afraid to fight those who are just church goers, who sing in church and read their bible and memorize scriptures, yet do not have Christ in their heart and doesn't live the Word of GOD which is the BIBLE. 
       This is what we must do, we need to first have a relationship with God by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior and repenting of our Sins and then we need to read his word and have a relationship with him. A relationship consist of talking and listening. We need to listen to God not just talk to him in our prayers, sometime we need Silence to hear his voice in our heart and in his Word. Listen to his Spirit inside of us what he wants us to do. THEN Obey him. Let his Grace which is the empowerment to help us change from our old self to a new person. We have to buried our old self and become a new person with Jesus living inside of us. We need to pick up our CROSS and follow him because we Love him and have a reverence fear of him. Then we need to pray for everyone to be save, pray in the Spirit where the enemy cannot touch us or hear us when we do. Pray in unity for there is power in unity. Pray continuously never stopping for that is how we fight. Encourage one another in the hope of Christ and Speak Life in people with the Word of God. So that we can plant a seed in people's heart. His Spirit will work through you to change people and convict people to come to Christ. 
      If you don't know Christ Jesus yet and would like to have a relationship with him from the bottom of your heart. Pray this prayer with me: 
Dear God, I admit that I am a Sinner. I have sinned against you and I'm sorry please forgive me of my sin, although it's crimson Red, please make it white as Snow. Wash me and come into my heart and live in me, I make you my LORD and Savior. Pour your Spirit in me and lead me to your Righteousness. Today I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose up again on the third day. I am a Child of God and behold all things have pass and I am a new creation and write my name in the book of Life. THANK YOU  in Jesus Name I pray Amen. 

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